Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I swear, I'm being PUNKED!

What kind of message am I supposed to be getting when I find myself asking, "Uhhh, am I being punked..." at least three times a week; sometimes three times a day?

Well, today is one of those days.

I was really looking forward to today. I had big plans to meet up with a friend for a fun "masterminding" session, then I was scheduled for a 3:00 massage and a 5:00 personal training session. Can't beat that!

I swear, the universe laughs at me when I actually schedule my day.

Of course, the minute I start to make my lunch, Brady is suddenly starving too. My friend called to see if we could meet two hours earlier. Being the people pleaser that I am, I started rushing around to make that happen.

I jumped into the shower with Brady screaming in his chair. I just fed him, so it has to be gas or teething that's making him so fussy. I hurry out to give Brady his bath. I leave the water running to fill his little tub, took him to undress him and take his diaper off. What does he do? Poops in my hand. Awesome!

I hear this barfing sound, turn around to see which pet is hurling on my carpet and actually step right into the mess my pug just regurgitated. Wow, can this get any more disgusting? I'm thinking, "Flip! I'm in a hurry! Throw me a frick'en bone here!"

As I'm bathing Brady, I hear the pug throwing up again in the office. Really?! The only two rooms in the house with carpet; the nursery and the office. I decide to just keep moving. I get Brady out of the tub, get him dressed and all packed up.

Now, it's my turn to finish getting dressed and pulled together. We need to leave in 15 minutes to have a prayer at being on time. I hear the pug AGAIN in the living room. Where? Oh, On the area rug underneath the coffee table. Seriously? He can't just puke on the wood floors?

Then I have a moment of compassion for him. He has obviously gotten into something that's making him crazy sick now. Crap, should I take him to the vet now? By the way, Brady is still crying. The chaos makes it so hard to think about what still needs to be done and what I should do.

Maybe I need to cancel my exciting day. In the process of trying to decide as I scramble around to get ready, the power goes out, the pug pukes a few more times in the living room and now in my bedroom.

On top of all that, my keys are missing. I've never lost them like this before. They are literally no where to be found. Now, I don't even have the option to go anywhere. (Turns out, my husband left them IN the car in the center console, which never happens. No wonder I couldn't find them!)

I called my friend to cancel. Hearing Brady scream in the background, she laughed a little and said, "Don't worry about it! Sounds like you have your hands full. I better let you go." I know she had to be thinking "Better you than me!"

"I give in, Universe. You win! Can I at least have a glass of wine and a deep breath? Is that too much to ask for?"


Melissa said...

It's ALWAYS the days when you have something planned when everything goes wrong! Haha, I think we've all been there.

Kelli Thompson said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! We've definitely all been there, but it just feels so much better to vent about it ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG! I laughed the entire time reading that. I swear you write in a way that makes me feel like I am holding my breath and there running in circles with you! Aw, you missed out on a fab day for yourself...but hey, that's life right? Just another day of barfing and pooping in your hand...where's there a story in that? LOL :)

Jen Vincent said...

Oh! I remember those crazy days when it was so hard to get anywhere on time by myself! My son is 2 now and we're doing the whole potty training "fun". It's crazy how you go through different stages of wildness as your kids grow up. It's all fun though! :) At least your friend understood! Sometimes that's the hardest part, having to realize you just can't do what you want to do all the time any more and that other people have to understand that, too.

Kell said...

Is it bad to laugh at this? Ha :)
I think we all have those kind of days though. I have them more often than I'd like to admit actually :)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

LOL!...I feel you lady!
By the way I have adorable 5 pugs at home! Have a peaceful Sunday I hope~