Friday, July 17, 2009

Speaking of Cobwebs...

I'm not sure if it's that I'm completely sleep deprived from new mommyhood or if I have ADD, but I'm having a heck of a time focusing and following through on anything these days. My mind seems to be running a million miles a minute and I rarely complete a task before starting another.

Earlier today, I left the water in the kitchen running so it could get hot (I was starting to clean bottles) while I went to change Brady's diaper, then I noticed the hamper of overflowing laundry as I walked by and decided I should go ahead and put a dent in it, so I started the washer and realized that I still had the water in the kitchen running, so I ran into the kitchen to get the bottles started. Then I realized that the washer was going to be full before I could get the clothes in it. Ugghh! Why does it seem to be so hard to complete one task at a time? I feel like I'm chasing my tail.

Don't even get me started on PROCRASTINATION! I've always wanted to start my own business. What better time than now to start one given that I have an infant to tend to. What am I thinking?! I know my timing isn't the best given the fact that I'm consumed in mommy duties around the clock. It would be a lot easier if we had family in town to tag team with, but that's not the case for us. All I know is that my wheels are constantly spinning. My brainstorming keeps me up at night. As a matter of fact, I seem to have my best ideas and the most clarity at night (so I believe in the moment), yet I don't force myself out of bed to write them down because "I should be sleeping." I tell myself that I'm going to write everything out in the morning so I have something to build on. Does it ever happen? NO! Cobwebs in the morning. I can't even think straight or remember half of what was rambling through my mind.

Enough is enough... When I have a solid idea, I'm going to get my butt out of bed and write it out. Let's see if it all makes sense in the morning!

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